Malta Citizenship by Investment: How You Can Benefit

Malta Citizenship by Investment: How You Can Benefit

Malta citizenship by investment is also known as the ‘Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment.’ Its citizenship program has become increasingly more well known over the past few years as the Maltese passport is very strong. 

Malta is a small Mediterranean island country that covers approximately 316 square kilometres. The country has friendly business laws and has a dynamic diverse culture. 

Why Choose Malta Citizenship by Investment? 

As a citizen of Malta you have the privileges of holding a European passport. Some of the benefits you will have include: 

Unrestricted access to the European Union: As Malta is a member of the European Union, this means you will have the flexibility and ability to live and work anywhere in the EU. As Malta is a part of the Schengen Area you can have visa free travel throughout the Schengen Zone. 

Strong Visa free travel: With the Maltese passport you will have one of the strongest passports in the world with visa free travel to approximately 170 destinations. Malta has visa free travel to Canada and the United States which not all passports do. 

Save time: There is the option to do citizenship by investment in 12 months or 36 months. You will become a resident much before your citizenship is granted and passport is issued. 

Family-friendly program: The citizenship by investment program is very family friendly. Additional fees may apply depending how many people are in the application. There is the ability to pass on Maltese citizenship to children and potentially grandchildren. 

Tax friendly environment: There is the ability to become a tax resident or become non domiciled. As a non-domiciled individual you are only to pay tax on income earned or received within the country. Provided you do become a tax resident by living there, there are tax incentives and exclusions which could be advantageous. 

Minimum Requirements: 

  • The principal applicant for Malta citizenship by investment must be at least 18 years old. 
  • The applicant must have a clean background and be capable of making the investment. All applications undergo due diligence 

Maltese citizenship by investment options 

  • Make an Exceptional Direct Investment (Non-refundable contribution to the Maltese Government) of a minimum of €600,000 if the applicant chooses the 36 month-residency option OR 
  • Make an Exceptional Direct Investment (Non-refundable contribution to the MalteseGovernment) of a minimum of €750,000 if the applicant opts for 12-month residency. 
  • For both 12 month and 36 month options, an additional fee of €50,000 is applicable per dependant. 
  • Take on a lease of a residential property in Malta for a minimum annual rent of €16,000 per annum OR purchase a residential property for a minimum value of €700,000 in Malta. Note the residential property cannot be let or sublet and must be retained for a minimum period of 5 years from the date of issue of the certificate of citizenship.
  • Donation of a minimum of €10,000 to a registered philanthropic, cultural, scientific, animal welfare, sport or artistic non-governmental organization or society, that is approved by the Agency.
  • Global health insurance coverage of at least  €50,000. 

Frequently asked Questions about Malta Citizenship by Investment

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we get about Malta citizenship by investment:

Yes. You will be required to come to Malta as part of the process.

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12-14 months is the typical timeline before you receive your Maltese passport

No. There are no language tests involved.

The large investment is done after the final stages of due diligence and upon approval. There are up front costs but the majority of costs are after passing due diligence. 

Yes. Dual citizenship is allowed. You can hold two or more citizenships. However, it is important to note that your home country of citizenship may not allow dual citizenship.

Yes. Your name will be publicly published. All new citizens of Malta have their names publicly published in gazettes.

The answer to this question is entirely up to you.  It will depend on your personal situation, goals and financial position. Overall, Malta is a great passport to have. With the passport you have a high level of visa free travel and ability to live and work in the EU which are HUGE advantages. 

By purchasing Maltese citizenship it can give you and your family many privileges as well as a safe and secure place to make home. Maltese citizenship by investment is the fastest way to get a EU passport through investment. 

On the downside, there are many steps and requirements compared to other more affordable CBI programs (primarily Caribbean). Minimal Physical presence is required. However, if you are able to do it you will have one of the strongest passports in the world.

Why Choose JH Marlin 

Many of JH Marlin clients have chosen Malta citizenship by investment and we have experience helping clients from different coutries. If you are located in North America, we have offices in similar time zone to you making it much easier for you to receive immediate responses. Some clients have chosen to combine Caribbean citizenship by investment with Malta citizenship by investment to access different geographical markets. We have 7+ years of experience and a great reputation and track record of success. 

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